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Refrigerator Maintenance Tip: Keep It Cool

During the holidays, the refrigerator is the workhorse of household appliances. Here’s a smart tip to make sure it stays in tip-top shape.

Let food cool prior to putting it in the refrigerator.

The refrigerator is meant to keep things cool, so placing hot or warm food inside shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Wrong! When hot food is added to the fridge, the food’s warm temperature heats the air around it, which makes the compressor work overtime to cool the air. Overworked compressor equals shorter lifespan for your fridge.

So, when you’re ready to put away those holiday leftovers, make sure they’re cool before you transfer them to the fridge for the night.

About the Author

Founded in 2018 in Dallas, Texas, Coming Home is a lifestyle magazine and an online media destination for homeowners across North America. As community living experts, we’ve made it our mission to create interesting, actionable, and clever content that helps make coming home each day a little—or a lot—better.

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